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RGd1 Arbiter



An RGd1 Arbiter has three input terminals (r_0, d_0, r_1, and d_1) and two output terminals (g_0 and g_1). For each i in {0,1}, signaling starts with r_i followed by a repetition of g_i then concurrently d and r_i. The intervals from g_0 to d and from g_1 to d are mutually exclusive (do not overlap).

RGD stands for Request (r_i), Grant (g_i), and Done (d).

When An RGd1 Arbiter receives two requests, it will grant exactly one of them (and delay the other). The specification leaves the choice open. Often there is a fairness requirement on this choice: if a choice situation arises `infinitely often' then both outputs are chosen `infinitely often'.

The RGd1 Arbiter only has a single done input, in contrast to the more common variant, the RGD Arbiter that has two done inputs, one for each requesting party.


Schematic diagram for an RGd1 Arbiter:


XDI state graph for an RGd1 Arbiter:


Specification in XDI model.


No information available

DI Algebra

Specification in DI Algebra:

NAME = "RGD 1-arbiter"
I   = { r0?, r1?, d? }
O   = { g0!, g1! }
RGD = [ r0? -> g0! ; d?; RGD,
        r1? -> g1! ; d?; RGD,
        d? -> CHAOS

Also available through this link


XDI Report.

The subscripts 0 and 1 can be interchanged systematically.

An RGd1 Arbiter is not output deterministic. The output nondeterminism is dynamic.


DI Decompositions

Using Boolean Gates

No information available

Using Transistors

No information available


No information available


No information available


Last modified at Fri Nov 20 10:11:41 1998
Encyclopaedia of Delay-Insensitive Systems
Copyright © 1995-1998 Tom Verhoeff / Tom.Verhoeff@acm.org