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E-Mail Processor for AND/IF

An e-mail processor is available to validate AND/IF expressions and to analyze and compare XDI specifications expressed in AND/IF. Send your AND/IF expressions by e-mail to andif@win.tue.nl, using one of the subjects: help, validate, xdi-analyze, or xdi-compare; optionally followed by a keyword to indicate the amount of detail in the output report: compact, normal, or verbose; `normal' is default.
Returns a help message. Currently, this message only contains the URL of the information page.

Each AND/IF expression is parsed for syntax errors, reported in the return mail.

xdi-analyze [ compact | verbose ]
Each AND/IF expression is parsed for syntax errors and interpreted as an XDI specification and analyzed. The return mail contains an extensive analysis report (to be explained in detail later).

xdi-compare [ compact | verbose ]
Each AND/IF expression is parsed for syntax errors and interpreted as an XDI specification, and grouped in adjacent pairs. Pairs of AND/IF expressions are compared for refinement in both ways: for pair (X, Y), both `X refines Y' and `X is refined by Y' are investigated. The return mail contains an extensive comparison report (to be explained in detail later).


Last modified at Mon Oct 26 11:57:12 1998
Encyclopedia of Delay-Insensitive Systems
Copyright © 1995-1998 Tom Verhoeff / Tom.Verhoeff@acm.org